Saturday 16 March 2013

Asulam - the word gets out

Thanks go to everyone who has helped to circulate the news that asulam will be available for bracken control during 2013.  I am still waiting for the finer details on the pesticide label that will define how asulam can be used this year and I will circulate the information as soon as it is available.

The Bracken Control Group is planning to issue a briefing to the reviewing the rural development programmes within the UK in an effort to make sure the funding continues to be available for bracken control under the reviewed agri-environment schemes.  There is thought to be a strong link between the availability of grant funding and the amount of bracken control that gets carried out.

As an indication of the amount of cover that has been achieved, these are links to articles I have picked up.  I expect that there will have been many further announcement within Newsletters and in-house publications.

The Scotsman
The Herald, Scotland
NFU Scotland
Countryside Alliance
Farmers Guardian
Daily Post, North Wales
Ripon Gazette
NFU Cymru News
Berwick Advertiser

Although this coverage is good, it is important that every effort is still made to inform end-users that asulam will be available in 2013, as it is important than anyone wanting to control bracken using asulam, either as part of an existing or a new control programme, should contact their distributor or bracken control contractor as soon as possible.

So far so good, but we have still got some way to go before we can secure the future of asulam for bracken control.  Work on the application for an Emergency Authorisation for 2014 starts soon!

There is more information on the Bracken Control website.

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