Thursday 25 April 2013

Peatland at the Cairngorms Land Management Forum

It was a full house in the ballroom at Glen Tanar Estate on Deeside today.  Judging by the quality and quantity of the attendance, the Land Management Forum, which is run jointly by the Cairngorms National Park and Scottish Land & Estates, is gaining momentum and achieving credibility.  I welcome this as I have been to several meetings of previous incarnations of this Forum, which have been a bit dour by comparison.  Today's meeting provided a good opportunity to meet many HT members and supporters.

I was invited to speak about peatland management, and explain my view of the future in language that I hope the landowners and managers could understand and appreciate.  In my view, the biggest issue that will make people sit up and pay attention is the possibility of peatland restoration and management providing an additional income stream.  I attempted to explain that I see the awakening interest in peatland restoration and management as an opportunity, not a threat.

I understand the cynicism that some people express, but my argument to them is that they should at least keep an open mind while the options are explored.  They might be pleasantly surprised!

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