Tuesday 18 June 2013

Heather Trust Annual Report

The Annual Report is published in early August each year and it is aimed primarily at members.  However, we also circulate copies to people who support us and have an interest in the work we do.  We are in full production mode at the moment and this is a lot of work for us to do, but as ever I am very grateful for the contributions we are receiving from guest authors we have invited to contribute an article.

The first half of the report is the relatively mundane report on the Trust's activities, but the second half gets more interesting with the guest articles introducing a wide range of topics.  We publish the guest articles, with authors' permission, on the web site at about the time of the AGM in early October, and you can get a feel for the type of articles by looking at last year's articles on the website.

We would welcome any suggestions for additional articles (if they can be produced quickly) - it's a quick, easy and cheap way of getting your views into print.  If anyone is feeling left out of the distribution of the Annual Report, the solution is simple - become a member.  It's easy!